Friday, November 10, 2006

Cara, The World's Best Poodle Mother!

I am often surprised by the poodles and something that they do, but yesterday morning was off the scale!
When I got up for work, Cara was well into labour and had 3 beautiful puppies already. Mum had already set her up in the bathroom, so I went and got my clothes ready and by the time I got into the bathroom, she had had another puppy. So I am fiddling around before I had my shower - plucking, squeezing, generally inspecting - and Cara scratches on the door to be let out of the bathroom. I figure that she is finished and needs to do wee. So she gets out of the bathroom, and walks a few steps onto the newspaper, squats and out comes another puppy! The other dogs all started to gather round, so in the blink of an eye, Cara quickly breaks the sack over it's face, picks the puppy up in her mouth and tears it away from the placenta, picks the pup up and carries it back into the bathroom like nothing happened.
I have never seen anything like it!!!
She ended up with five - three apricot girls, one apricot boy and one black girl.
Go Cara!!!
(Nb: That's not really Cara in the pic - I will post a pic of Cara and the new bubbies soon).